About Us-Products Stockists -Ethos, Values & Ideology
Nothing & Noone has remained untouched by Lockdown/Pandemic 2020/Brexit 2021.
Everything, and everyone has been affected on a huge scale..Nothing will ever be the same again..

Ethical trading-stockists, trading,products & practices
SInce 2020, I have re-evaluated everything, on every level...and have moved towards incoporpoating ETHICAL new smaller independant, local UK artisans & stockists to help build a better world for us all...
- Zero Waste- Reduce-ReUse-Recycle-Repurpose
- Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Ethical/Socially Responsible
- Organic
- Reusuable
- Sustainable/Sustainably Sourced/Fair Trade
- Woman owned
- Not on Amazon
- Cruelty Free/Not tested on Animals
- ethical trading, products, materials, processes & business practices
- fair trading with family businesses
- stockists & suppliers:-
Ethical Trading Policy
At Something Different Wholesale we stock over 3000 items which are manufactured globally. As an international supplier of giftware to retailers all across the world, it is of the utmost importance that we have confidence that our products are manufactured in factories that support workers and respect their human rights.
We are committed to purchasing products that are produced with fair working conditions, safe production facilities and fair pay for workers.
We recognise our responsibility to monitor and continuously improve our supply chain to ensure that all of our products are manufactured in fair conditions. We do this by asking our suppliers to complete an ethical trading questionnaire. Once complete, our sourcing agents or buyers will make visits, periodically and unannounced, to ensure that what they have agreed in the questionnaire is being strictly fulfilled.
All of our suppliers are provided with our Ethical Trading Policy and are required to comply with the rules at all times.
New suppliers are required to complete a contract which lays out our Ethical Trading Policy and acknowledges their agreement. This contract requires agreement to the following:
Employment is freely chosen
- Workers have the right to choose where they work
Safe and hygienic working conditions
- A safe and hygienic working environment must be provided
- Regular Health and Safety training must be provided
- Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent any accidents in the workplace
- All workers must have access to clean welfare facilities
No child or forced labour
Workers are paid fairly and a living wage
- Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher.
- Wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
- Information on wages must be provided to employees
- Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted
Fair and reasonable working hours
- Workers will work fair and reasonable hours and overtime must be voluntary
- Working laws shall comply with national laws
Fair treatment of workers.
- There will be no discrimination practiced
- All workers will be treated fairly at all times
Regular employment must be provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract
Zero tolerance of modern slavery and human trafficking
Protection of the environment
Ethical business behaviour
These are tricky subjects, but not one we choose to ignore as a company. A lot of people don’t believe that ethics and business mix, we are more than pleased that most of our customers would oppose this idea and we try hard to ensure our suppliers are like minded.
There are several areas of concern (which we get asked about regularly) being:
1. Testing on animals.2. Child labour in developing nations.
3. Fair Trade.
4. Ecological, recyclable and sustainable products.
1. Testing on animalsWe are passionate about gifts, but much more about animals. We condemn any act of cruelty, for that reason:
No Product we stock has been tested on animals. However it is virtually impossible for any company to claim that all the basic ingredients that go in to a product have never* been tested on animals. It is simply impossible to make such a claim.
What we can state however is that as far as possible we use natural, pure ingredients, we use only reputable suppliers who hold similar principles to ourselves, and who endeavour to produce entirely cruelty free product.
* It is probably accurate that no basic ingredient has been tested on animals since 1967.
2. Child labour in developing nationsWe always do our best to ascertain whether a company is likely to be using child labour as cheap or slave labour and steer well clear. Of course these days no exporting company from India or the far east is likely to admit it, so a degree of common sense and a nose for such things is important.
Exported products usually command a higher price than the local market so there really is no commercial pressure on manufacturers to cut costs to such a degree at the risk of losing a lucrative export order. The deliberate systematic use of child labour is unnecessary and in our opinion an act of pure greed. However - and this is a tricky however, the reality is that culturally in small family businesses children are a part of the business.
In India for example a lot of components of craft work is produced by out-workers in the villages. There are over a million villages in India relying on farming and craft work as a means of income. A village will hand down particular craft skills from generation to generation and rely on this for extra income. Most villages still don’t have electricity or running water, but most children will attend a morning school.
In the afternoons children will help in what is essentially the family business.
We decided that we wanted to visit a village and in February 2006 on a trip to Calcutta managed to persuade one of our suppliers to accompany us on a trip to visit an outlying village.The truth is that the villages of India are a massive collective cottage industry. It is superbly organised with agents representing villages or groups and ferrying materials in and finished goods back. Each area of the country has it’s own special skills handed down the generations. What do they make? That ethnic skirt you are wearing, the shirt, jute bag, those wooden toys, and the beads in your fashion jewellery - all made in the villages of India. Factories exist of course, but often the overspill work finds it’s way to the villages. This discovery disturbed us. I worried that exploitation might be endemic in this cottage industry culture so I was determined to go and see for myself.
We stopped the car at a small shack like shop and the second as we alighted from our 4x4 dozens of small children came running, but surprisingly they didn’t beg or tug at us (like in the city) they just came to smile and stare unabashed at the rare white faces we stared back and smiled. My man in Calcutta (to whom this was also an adventure) asked the guy in the shack if it would be OK to visit the village, a huge brilliant white smile provided the affirmative answer. So we trouped off down a neat well-maintained brick path like pied pipers of Hamlin with a crowd of kids laughing and skipping behind us. Shortly we came to the village; on each side of the path at intervals lay inward looking compounds made up of mud-brick buildings around an inner courtyard where the families worked ate and in the heat of summer slept. We asked if it was OK to enter one - of course it was - and all the kids crushed in after us. Immediately we found the fabled cottage industry in full swing, this village specialised in creating lavish sequinned saris as worn by the socialite urban ladies. There stretched between bamboo poles was the current creation – a real family business with every generation involved, including dare I say children. They tell me that many craft skills are jealously guarded and passed unwritten down the generations.
But this was not a rat infested slum buzzing with mosquitoes, it was devoid of any modern amenity including electricity but everywhere was neat and tidy. The atmosphere was industrious with everyone smiling. We discovered that the children attended a morning school a mile or so back up the road but what struck me most was that absolutely everyone had Hollywood smiles – perfect sets of gleaming white teeth.
This is only one village in a million, although we did see other fishing villages in the Sunderbans similar but it’s certainly not the third world poverty I half expected. If anything the life style we glimpsed here seems to be a peaceful kind of utopia. The one thing that everyone tells you about village people is that they are good people, they are honest people and they are hard working people.
3. Fair Trade
We spend up to six months a year traveling in India, Indonesia, Nepal and China seeking out new product lines and trying to fulfill our customers wish lists.
We visit suppliers not only to do deals but also to see for ourselves how well staff and subcontractors are treated. We have on more than one occasion had to cancel orders because it seemed staff were being exploited.
The way it works in India is that goods for export are priced higher than goods for domestic sale (in India) - which means that exporting companies should be able to provide better conditions and pay for their staff (and a better quality product).
We are happy to work within this system provided that we can see the benefits. This is our version of Fair Trade.
Be aware that some importers will work outside this system buying as if for the domestic market but exporting, in order to boost profits or compete unfairly with other importers.
4. Ecological, Recyclable and sustainable products
We have a wide range of products, so it would be impossible to have only organic and recycled products, but we always give more value to these when it comes to introducing new products. We always seek, as a minimum, that raw materials are sustainable.
A note about the AW Freedom FoundationThe idea is to give a small portion of each item sold here, directly back to the workers who make that same product. For example 10p of the sale of a package of incense in the UK, can go directly to the packager of this incense in Bangalore (India). You can see how only 10p can do incredible things ifor n workers with such humble salaries, an authentic hope of freedom, that's why we call it freedom foundation. AW- Freedom.com
Thank you for supporting this initiative by buying and selling products from the Freedom Foundation.
Supporting artisans & makers
About Global WAKEcup
Global WAKEcup is a zero waste reusables brand with a mission to end single use plastic pollution for good. Based in the UK, Global WAKEcup was born in 2018 after old friends Buffie and Nick got chatting about David Attenborough's iconic Blue Planet series and realised they needed to get involved in the fight against single-use plastics.
Fast forward to 2022, and the crisis is more urgent than ever.
Global WAKEcup is more than just stylish, sustainably sourced coffee cups and water bottles. It’s a movement towards a world where everyone can choose to reuse, and say no to single-use. We give 10% of profits to ocean conservation charities.
- Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Organic
Rugged Nature
5.0(10 reviews)
We make male grooming products that are 100% Natural and Plastic Free!
- United KingdomFounded in 2018
- Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Organic
- Not on Amazon
Self Love Shop
5.0(2 reviews)
About Self Love Shop
Welcome to the Self Love Shop! I'm Jess, a trainee therapist and the designer behind the Self Love Shop. I've always been passionate about mental health and art. During Covid-19 I began sharing my art on Instagram to help others feel less alone. Since then, I've turned my positive illustrations into mental health art prints, positive stickers, mental health enamel pins, self-care planners, and more!
- Woman Owned
- LGBTQIA+ Owned
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Not on Amazon
About Speak To Me Gabriel
5.0 (21 reviews)
Here at the Speak To Me Gabriel shop we sell the work of artist/illustrator, Paulo Baigent. Cards, prints and mugs can be bought here. Paulo is a self-confessed music fanatic and the music cards reflect this. In the Hit Singles range he not only picks what, in hindsight, are some of the greatest singles/tracks of that year (or genre/artist) but enjoys the challenge of creating an original design that captures the feel of that time (or genre/artist). There are also beautiful decorative letters in the Initial Impression range and cards and prints for all sorts of occasions in the Strange Fruit and Wood For The Trees ranges. Also look out for the mugs, tea towels and t-shirts which are the newest addition to the shop. Have a browse and see if there's something here for your shop.
- Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Not on Amazon
About The Chiswick Gift Company
Nestled in the heart of Chiswick, London lies a little design studio that is bursting with creative gift ideas for everyone, all year round. Whether it’s unique gifts for her, cool gifts for him, fun gifts for kids, quirky gifts for them, or inspirational gifts for everyone, chiswickgiftco.co.uk is your number one online gifting destination for every special occasion.
We love to see our products in stores and on cool websites but we do not allow our products to be uploaded to Amazon, Etsy, Ebay or anywhere like that.
- Woman Owned
- Social Good
- Based in London
- Founded 2020
About LSW London
LSW London was founded by Lili Sinclair-Williams in 2018. Using her expertise as a therapist, she wanted to create wellbeing tools that were easy to use and accessible for everyone. Focusing on positive habits we repeat daily, Lili curated her favourite techniques into our first product - LSW Mind Cards. Today, we have a full range of wellbeing and mindfulness products selling around the world.
Our mission is to create beautiful, effective products to help our customers live their most authentic, fulfilled lives.
As Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do”. If we all repeatedly do things which make us happy, what could that lead to?
All of our products are designed with this in mind. To help our customers live with intention, creating healthy habits each day which positively impact mental health, wellbeing and self care.
- Woman Owned
- Made in UK
- Not on Amazon
- Based in Leeds
- Founded 2018
About Go La La
Go La La creates original, humourous and often rude cards and gifts for all occasions!
Winner of the UK Gift of the Year Awards 2021.
Based in Somerset, UK, Go La La is owned and run by John and Laura, who gave up their day jobs to run their own funny business! Launched originally as a greeting card publisher in 2016, the company grew quite rapidly, going on to diversify and develop their Filthy Gorgeous range of soap products during the first lockdown of 2020, which then went on to win the prestigious Gift of the Year competition for the UK.
Go La La designs are found all over the world, sold via distributors as far away as Australia and through platforms such as Moonpig and Funky Pigeon.
The humour ranges are growing with new product being introduced in the Bath, Home and Stationery departments.
About M.London Cork Collection
M.London cork collection is a unique British lifestyle brand offering a range of handmade, natural cork fashion accessories for both men and women.
Our passion and enthusiasm for the fashion industry led us to discover a stunning fabric known as cork. We quickly saw all the benefits, natural beauty and sustainability of cork, which inspired us to introduce this truly extraordinary, eco-friendly stylish range of accessories.
We aim to be a market leader and provide our customers with a unique range of genuine cork products which have been made to order from the best materials and with utmost care. We plan to grow our portfolio, offering a much wider range of stylish ‘n trending products both for men and women.
Our experience and knowledge reflect in what we do, we are passionate about our work, products and business. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service and provide excellent quality in our products, ensuring our clients get the best value for money.
- Eco-Friendly
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Organic
- Not on Amazon
- Based in LondonFounded 2015Elsewhere @Moddanio
About Gem Bazaar Jewellery
Over 15 years ago, the founders of Gem Bazaar walked into a room in New Delhi that was on fire. The light of a thousand suns exploded off gemstones of all descriptions. Their stories, their colour, their brilliance became the centrepiece of the fledgling company. Since then, Gem Bazaar has existed to make these glorious gemstones the centrepiece of unique and glamorous rings and earrings.
Gem Bazaar has a wide range both of products and prices; from RRP of £25 to our most expensive items at RRP of over £150. All our products are made with semi precious gemstones and .925 sterling silver with 18k gold vermeil.
Gem Bazaar's desire is to provide you, the retailer, with a fabulous choice of gemstone jewellery, whether you have a gift shop and are looking for everyday pieces at less that £45 or a high end jewellery shop, offering more expensive designer jewellery, we've got you covered!
Gem Bazaar is a family business, run by husband and wife team Stephen and Emma Plunkett.
- Woman Owned
- Handmade
- Organic
- Not on Amazon
- Based in Canterbury, UK
- Founded 2003
About Morning Cuppa Gifts
We are a small team of two with bundles of energy and stacks of enthusiasm.
Fun, Exciting, Personal & Handmade.
These are the keywords we drive within our craft. We design and produce all our products in a little unit in Farnham, from the print setup and carefully developed design to the sanding of rough edged oak coasters and the packing of the cotton cushion covers, we do it all to make sure that you love what we love.
We love to see our products made from start to finish and felt that our products became personal to our customers, confidence in a product is important and with the knowledge of our processes and the Made in the UK element we offer, you are sure to have a confident customer.
As a small business ourselves, we want to help other businesses get products in front of their customers as quickly as possible. We are a made to order printing company with a short turn around meaning you get quality with quick delivery. We are here to help you, While you help us.
- Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Based in Farnham, Surrey
- Founded2019
About Plantiful Paper Company
Plantiful Paper Company is an eco-conscious brand. We share our love of nature, recycling and sustainability through our fun and joyful designed ‘Plant-Beautiful’ range of greeting cards and eco-friendly stationary.
We’ve gone the extra step and created our own artisan plantable seed paper which is made from recycled cotton fibres and embedded with a botanical mix of edible wildflower and herb seeds.
Our beautiful curated collection has been created with the planet in mind, therefore everything is made right here in the UK and a small percentage of our profits are donated to the National Trust to help support them to grow more trees!
Sustainably Joyful | Made in UK]
- Eco-Friendly
- Woman Owned
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Not on Amazon
- Based Hertfordshire
- Founded 2021
About Mr Big Tops Ltd
All our products have ingredients, nutritional info, and allergy info and are fully compliant with all food laws & the new Natasha's law. Expect a best before date of 6-12 months.
Scrumptious sweets packed with traditional flavours can now be transported from the past into the most delicious of presents with the launch of Mr Big Tops spectacular sweet invention. Fizzy, foamy, gummy and gobstopping-ly delightful, Mr Big Tops' sweets by post are cute little boxes & bags that pack a big flavour punch. Stuffed full with nostalgia, the vintage virtual sweet emporium is choca-block with retro cool candy and old fashioned treats.
- Woman Owned
- Made in UK
- Not on Amazon
- Based in Bradford
- Founded2020
About from earth to earth
Welcome to 'from earth to earth'
We transform everyday essentials into little moments of joy for you and the planet, helping you to look good, feel good and do good.
By creating products made with natural materials from the earth and which, after use, graciously return back to the earth - we created the name: from earth to earth™ or 'f.e.t.e' for short.
We started f.e.t.e as a means to help meet the increasing demand on supplying sustainable, environmentally friendly products we all need. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the overuse and abuse of plastics and other chemicals and are here to do our part.
UK based - plastic free products that are good for the environment.
- Eco-Friendly
- Woman Owned
- Social Good
- Organic
- Based inTurnersHill, Crawley, UK
- Founded2015
About WaxyWix UK
We try not to take ourselves too seriously at WaxyWix. I (Jules) take care of all things waxy and Christian takes care of the wood. We love what we do and it shows in our products.
Our candles are made from natural, sustainable soy wax. They are vegan-friendly and cruelty-free. Most importantly, they burn cleanly and smell great.
We can customize the labels of any of our candles in your brand for retail re-sale. Just drop us a line for any enquiries.
"We are all born different…
Just like us, natural wax candles have a unique skin. There will be imperfections.
This just shows that each candle is hand-poured, contains no nasty chemicals and won’t harm the planet.”
- Eco-Friendly
- Woman Owned
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Not on Amazon
- Based inStourbridgeFounded2020
About ecoLiving
Welcome to ecoLiving!
If you are looking for the most eco-friendly alternatives for your store, that are shipped worldwide at low costs and have no minimum orders. then please stop here.
Our business was founded over 7 years ago and our aim was to bring the most eco-friendly versions of everyday items to the public. From a small eco store we have grown and evolved through experience and knowledge to now create and distribute products that we know have the best eco credentials. But most importantly are loved by consumers
We now sell products to over 2,700 store across the world, and predominantly in the UK. But why stock our products?
1. All products are plastic free, sustainable and high quality
2. As a business we operate as carbon neutral
3. For every product purchased we plant a tree through Eden Reforestation Project
4. We are a member of 1% for the Planet, a global network of businesses.
5. Finally, we are committed to providing friendly and helpful service to all our retailers
We have over 100 different product lines all high-quality and sustainable products.
You will find product ranges that all consumers need and include bathroom, kitchen, and stationery ranges
We are constantly developing new products and securing distribution for different brands, that we grow as you do!
Our aim is to ensure you can always have new products to offer consumers in your store, as well as the reliability of excellent products on your shelves.
If you would like to partner with a company that has full traceability and transparency of all its products and is true value for the consumer and planet then please check out our catalogue and website
Woman Owned
Made in UK
Social Good
Based in--Founded2014
About Sweyn Forkbeard
Sweyn Forkbeard was awarded Best Organic Beard Care 2021 - the UK by Lux Magazine Life (Luxury Awards)
Sweyn Forkbeard was the 1st Viking King of England in the year 1013. was famous for his conquers, beard, and immaculate hair even in battle.
In 2015, following research in England, Denmark and Norway, we created our famous recipes. Our products are inspired by the natural ingredients used by Vikings and English men in 1013.
We produce more than 175 Male Grooming Products (Beard care, wet shaving, Skincare, Hairstyling and Razors)100% Organic and Handmade in London.
What´s the Big difference with our Products?
All of our products are Handmade in London using organic ingredients. Our products are 100% natural and organic, without parabens, sulphates, artificial fragrances or colours. Ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin. All our ingredients are vegetal origin so are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and of course has not been tested on animals.Eco-Friendly
Made in UK
Social Good
- Based in
- London
- Founded
- 2015
About from earth to earth
Welcome to 'from earth to earth'
We transform everyday essentials into little moments of joy for you and the planet, helping you to look good, feel good and do good.
By creating products made with natural materials from the earth and which, after use, graciously return back to the earth - we created the name: from earth to earth™ or 'f.e.t.e' for short.
We started f.e.t.e as a means to help meet the increasing demand on supplying sustainable, environmentally friendly products we all need. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the overuse and abuse of plastics and other chemicals and are here to do our part.
UK based - plastic free products that are good for the environment.Eco-Friendly
Woman Owned
Social Good
- Based in
- Turners Hill, Crawley, UK
- Founded
- 2015
(1 review)We offer organic aromatherapy beard products for wax, balm and oil users that are tired of the masculinity script that has been handed to them. #BeYouRead story
LondonFounded in 2019Eco-Friendly
- Made in UK
- Handmade
- Social Good
- Organic
- Not on Amazon
About Beesü
We offer handmade aromatherapy beard care products for wax, balm and oil users that are tired of the masculinity script that has been handed to them. All at an affordable price and 3% of profits going to ‘CALM’.
We aim to build body confidence and share the importance of body love across genders and ethnicities, whilst keeping our ingredients as local and eco-friendly as possible: our balms use double-filtered surplus beeswax from beekeepers in London, Norfolk and Kent.
We want to go a step further than other beard products: our focus is on the positive mental health benefits of aromatherapy and links to memory, and we make beard products that smell better and help you choose the positive memories you want, right under your nose.
Made in UK
Social Good
Not on Amazon
- Based in
- London
- Founded
- 2019
About Conscious Generation
We are the Conscious Generation. Our mission is simple: Making sustainability affordable for EVERYONE.
CG is a small start up business made by two recent university graduates. Our business is based in Harrogate, UK but we see our organisation as a global mission.
The idea started as we were both becoming more aware of the impact each individual product makes to our beautiful planet. So, we went looking for more eco friendly alternatives… sadly, all the sustainable products were almost double the price as the plastic version. We felt upset that price was a factor in peoples efforts to save our planet. Hence, Conscious Generation want to make sustainability accessible to all, not a luxury for those that can afford it.
Our core principals:
Sustainable - All our products, packaging and processes must be environmentally friendly, biodegradable and recyclable.
Affordable - Being sustainable should accessible to all, not a luxury.
Innovative - Constantly searching for solutions to better our planet.
Cruelty free - All our processes are done consciously.
Socially Responsible - We make a conscious decision to better the next generations.Eco-Friendly
Made in UK
Social Good
Not on Amazon
- Based in
- Harrogate
- Founded
- 2020
About Friendly Soap
We’re a wee bit obsessive at Friendly, and putting ethics before profits underpins everything here. That’s why our products aren’t just vegan, or cruelty-free, or made by people paid a living wage, without using plastic, parabens, SLS phthalates or triclosan. They’re all of these things. Sure, we could make more money doing things less ethically, but all we ever really wanted to make was a difference.
For soaps this ethical we use a cold-process method handed down through generations of makers. It creates no by-products and relies on old-fashioned elbow grease, with every bar poured, cut and packed by hand, right here in Yorkshire. The soap is biodegradable too, so it’s better for the planet even once you’ve used it. Our recycled and recyclable packaging is just us being sticklers.
Unless you’ve read the online reviews, you probably won’t believe just how rich and velvety our products’ lather is until you try one. That irresistible creaminess doesn’t just mean they’re gentle and nourishing for whichever bits of your body you use them on, it also means they go further than you think. The fact that they go further than you think means they’re even better value than you think too.Eco-Friendly
Made in UK
Social Good
- Based in
- Hebden Bridge
- Founded
- 2008
About Urban Eccentric
Welcome to Urban Eccentric a sock brand born out of Fimex (International) LTD
We are passionate about developing fabulous looking sock gift sets. We aim so provide our customers with novelty, fun and exciting socks and sock gift sets that can be the perfect gift set for a friend, family or the perfect way to treat yourself!
All our socks are cotton rich for maximum comfort and quality!
Out product range contains: Ladies Socks, Mens Socks, Unisex Socks, Sock Gift Sets, Gift Sets, Gifts for Him, Gift for Her, Birthday Presents, Christmas Presents and gift just to show you care!
Our sole (excuse the pun) purpose at Urban Eccentric is to provide you with cotton rich, fabulous looking socks to add a spring in your step, and some sunshine to your day.Eco-Friendly
- Based in
- Leeds
- Founded
- 2019
Home, garden, living, gifts
- WonkeyDonkeyBazaar best selling
- All collections
Explore the showcase collection here:-
- We recycle as much fabrics & materials as we can, and upcycle existing garments where possible, thus reducing consumption and reusing/reducing waste.
- We are working towards all ethical wholesalers/suppliers/producers/materials etc. as well as using environmentally-conscious fabric printing techniques etc..
- We tend to Work from home, online across the ether, connecting world-wide, in order to reduce traffic –congestion & pollution;unnecessary communting, & reduce travelling time,
- . but then we noticed this….
WonkeyDonkeyBazaar is now powered by Kualo-Green Web-Hosting..
Green Powered & Energy Efficient
100% Green Powered Hosting
Our global operations are powered entirely by renewable energy. Our UK datacentre uses 100% green sourced power as specified by E.ON and as regulated by Ofgem, and our US facility uses 100% renewable energy, as certified by Green-e.
Energy Efficient Datacentre
Our datacentre is built from the ground up to be efficient, with a PuE rating of between 1.2 and 1.3 and environmental management policy externally assessed to ISO 14001 standards.
Sensible Green Policies
Our environmental policies aim to reduce waste, encourage recycling and avoid all unnecessary travel. Many of our staff also regularly enjoy working from the comfort of their own homes.
Picture the scene...
It's a Sunday morning. You've sat down with your coffee and croissant, and you decide to read the news online, check your email or watch the latest YouTube sensation.
This little scene may seem innocent enough, but did you know that what you've just done had an environmental impact? Would you be surprised to learn that it contributes to a beast that produces an enormous and ever-growing amount of carbon?Real-World Mechanics
As ephemeral as it all seems, it's easy to forget the real-world mechanics that go into keeping the Internet running. A web site is housed on a server in a datacentre - a building packed top to bottom with servers which power the web pages, videos, online applications and downloadable files that make the modern online experience possible.
All these servers require electricity to keep them powered up, and then almost as much again to keep them cool. To generate much of that electricity, fossil fuels like coal and gas are usually being burned.
The internet is a filthy, carbon-emitting monster.
The Kualo Way
We're passionate about web sites, but moreover, we're passionate about ensuring they don't damage our environment.
100% Renewable Power
Truly green hosting starts with 100% renewable power.
In the UK, our datacentre runs on 100% green-sourced power as specified by E.ON (the Supplier) and as regulated by Ofgem. E.ON are one of the leading renewable generators in the UK with over 20 on-shore and off-shore wind farms, including the London Array, the world's largest off-shore wind farm with a capacity of 630MW.
We also use renewable energy for 100% of our U.S. operations, as certified by Green-e, North America’s leading voluntary certification programme for renewable energy. We have additionally been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Partner. Our renewable energy is sourced through Native Energy, one of the few genuinely high-integrity businesses in the sector. Their projects go beyond simply generating renewable energy, but moreover, deliver social benefits for the communities in which those projects are located, including schools, family owned farms and Native American tribes.
We are also partner member of The Green Web Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation who are on a mission to speed up the transition towards a completely green Internet. You can verify whether your site is running on renewable energy on their website.
E.ON's 630MW "London Array", the world's largest off-shore wind farm, which reduces CO2 emissions by 900,000 tons annually.
NativeEnergy's "Greensburg Wind Farm", which helped revitalise a community devastated by a 2007 EF-5 Tornado.
Energy Efficient Data Center
Even renewable energy is precious - so the next step in the process is to ensure that use of that electricity is also kept to an absolute minimum, which starts with intelligent datacentre design.
Our primary hosting facility, Centro, is not only powered entirely by renewable energy, but has also been built from the ground up to be extremely energy efficient. Part of The Green Grid industry body, Centro complies with the EU datacentre code of conduct and is audited and certified to ISO 14001 (Environment Management) standards. The facility achieves a class-leading PUE (Power usage effectiveness) of 1.2, making it one of the most efficient hosting facilities in service today.
In the typical datacentre, a huge amount of energy is used to keep the servers cool - generally this is because inefficient design principals have been employed. In the vast majority of datacentres, the server rooms are kept exceedingly cold, but the servers sit there blowing out a heap of hot air back into the room. A huge amount of energy is thereby wasted constantly having to re-cool that hot air again, causing the cooling systems to work harder and consume more power than they ought to.
In Centro, the hot air expelled from the servers is contained and directly extracted from the building, meaning the cooling systems can operate much more energy efficiently. The super efficient water-based chillers additional use 'free cooling' technology, which means that when it's cool enough, the outside air can just be pumped through rather than waste energy keeping the chillers running at full-speed.
Sensible Green Policies
Being environmentally conscious is at the heart of everything we do. Along with a super-efficient, green powered datacenter, as a company we also:
- Use energy efficient servers with high-efficiency power-supplies and smart sensors to control fans so that they only provide cooling when required.
- Cycle out older server hardware to newer more efficient technology as it becomes available
- Operate a completely paperless system with all customer invoices, specs and receipts sent out in electronic format
- Avoid printing unnecessary documents and recycle all unneeded paper
- Use modern, low-power PCs throughout the office that use similar technologies to what we deploy in our servers
- Encourage staff to work from home to minimise unnecessary commuting
- Avoid all unnecessary travel
About Morning Cuppa Gifts
We are a small team of two with bundles of energy and stacks of enthusiasm.
Fun, Exciting, Personal & Handmade.
These are the keywords we drive within our craft. We design and produce all our products in a little unit in Farnham, from the print setup and carefully developed design to the sanding of rough edged oak coasters and the packing of the cotton cushion covers, we do it all to make sure that you love what we love.
We love to see our products made from start to finish and felt that our products became personal to our customers, confidence in a product is important and with the knowledge of our processes and the Made in the UK element we offer, you are sure to have a confident customer.
As a small business ourselves, we want to help other businesses get products in front of their customers as quickly as possible. We are a made to order printing company with a short turn around meaning you get quality with quick delivery. We are here to help you, While you help us.Eco-Friendly
Made in UK
- Based in
- Farnham, Surrey
- Founded
- 2019
- Minimum
- £99
- Shipping lead time
- 4-7 days